вторник, 31 октября 2017 г.

Моторист интервью

Моторист интервью

1.1 What are your foremost duties in the E/R during watch keeping engagement?
1.2 What kind of tanks do you normally check during Daily Sounding procedures?
1.3 Who is your superior in Engine Team?
1.4 What are your responsibilities during Stand-By operations?
1.5 What is the Tool Box meeting and what is it for?
1.6 How often should be E/R Safety Round carried out?
1.7 To whom should you report in case of any abnormality in E/R?
1.8 What is Chief Engineer’s Standing Orders?
1.9 What kind of emergency equipment located in Engine Control Room?
2. Environment Protection:
2.1 What will you do with garbage on board?
2.2 What and at what areas you can through overboard?
2.3 What arrangements should be done before bunkering?
2.4 What you will do in case of oil spill on deck?
2.5 What is Dangerous Cargo?
2.6 What are the regulations regarding smoking on board?
2.7 What guide about environment protection you know?
3. Safety Awareness:
3.1 What main drills on board you know and how often they should be done?
3.2 What actions to be done at your first opportunity after you joined vessel?
3.3 What will you do if you found fire on board?
3.4 Please describe your actions when you found man over board?
3.5 What can cause a fire on board and what will you use for fighting with different types of fire?
3.6 What are your actions when a general alarm sounded?
3.7 What is the guide concerning safety equipment on board you know?
4. Safe Working Practice:
4.1 What jobs on board require special permission and which particular arrangements should be done for every
particular job?
4.2 What clothes and equipment will you use when going to open deck or engine room?
4.3 Please describe arrangements before and during the paint work on board;
4.4 How you control your working time on board?
4.5 What are minimum requirements and regulations in regard to hours of rest and work on board?
4.6 Which safety measures you must remember during mooring operations?
4.7 What are the safety measures when engaged in rigging of pilot ladder or gangway?
4.8 What guides of safe working regulations, recommendations and requirements you know?
4.9 What is fatigue? How you can avoid it?
5. Security Awareness:
5.1 What is security on board?
5.2 What you know about security levels?
5.3 What duties of ship’s security officer on board and who can perform his duties?
5.4 What is DPA and where you can find information about it?
5.5 What are the duties of security patrol on board and security gangway watch?
5.6 What is the stowaways search procedure on board?
5.7 What are the restricted areas on board?
5.8 What is the guide for security regulations and requirements you know?
6. Medical Aid, Drug and Alcohol Policy, Social life, Claim procedures:
6.1 What will you do in case of illness on board?
6.2 What you know about drug and alcohol consumption on board and in port?
6.3 What will be your action in case of any kind of harassment from anyone of crew on board?
6.4 What will you do in case of any non-conformity found on board or you see/feel something is done in breach of
elementary requirements of safety or security on board?

6.5 What is a good seamen practice for casual wear during non-working hours on board? B.2

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