понедельник, 30 октября 2017 г.

Вопросы к собеседованию штурманов и механиков на английском

Вопросы к собеседованию штурманов
Interview questions for navigators.
Are you familiar with Third Officer's duties?
What was your previous company's work policy?
What is the first thing you are going to do when you go to your vessel? What kind of familiarization do you need to do?
What are your duties during navigational watch?
What are your duties as a safety officer?
What documents must you check immediately on coming on board?
What are fire fighting training manuals? SOLAS training manual? Where are they located?
Did you have maintenance manual for fire-fighting equipment, breathing apparatus?
What safety equipment do you check weekly/monthly?
What security reports must you have?
You are near the ladder. Somebody is coming on board. What is the procedure of letting this person to come on board?
What is risk assessment card?
What is fire alarm signal?
Tell me a few things regarding drills. What drills do we have on vessel?
What are drill procedures? What are intervals of drills?
We have a fire in one electrical panel. What is the means of extinguishing?
There is a fire in the manifold. Oil got fire. You are leader of team and you are proceeding to extinguish fire. How do you extinguish fire?
How often do you check extinguisher what do you have to check?
How often do you test fire hoses?
How often do you have to check fire doors? What do we need to check?
You have a fire alarm on the bridge. What are your actions?
How do you lower life boat?
Tell me rules about lowering life boat?
You are on the bridge. It's11 p.m. You have a little traffic suddenly you have fire alarm in the engine room. What are your actions?
The Captain is giving order to instruct your crew to prepare ladder for pilot. What safety equipment do you expect to be used by Bosun and ratings?

Вопросы к собеседованию механиков
1. What are duties of watch engineer?
Обязанности вахтенного механика.

2. What types of diesel engine do you know? Whattypesofblowing?
Какие типы двигателей вы знаете? Типыпродувки.

3. What type of engine did you have on your last contract?
Какой тип двигателя был у вас в последнем контракте?

4. What was engine’s horse power?
Какой была мощность двигателя?

5. What was daily fuel consumption?
Какой был ежедневный расход топлива?

6. What breakdowns did you have during your last contract?
Какие поломки были у Вас в вашем последнем контракте?

7. What maintenance works must be done for engine. Whatinterval?
Какие работы по обслуживанию двигателя должны быть выполнены? С каким интервалом?

8. What can be the cause if engine doesn’t start?
По какой причине двигатель не запускается?

9. What must you do if viscosity of oil is too high?
Что необходимо делать, в случае если вязкость топлива слишком высокая?

10. What are your actions if there is water in fuel?
11. What will you do if engine slows down/runs fast?
Какие действия необходимо предпринять если двигатель работает слишком медленно (на быстрых оборотах)

12. What tools do you use for your work?
Какие инструменты вы используете для работы?

13. What are reasons of ignition in under piston space? What are your actions in case of ignition? How to minimize possible concequences?
Причины возгорания в под поршневом пространстве ГД. Ваши действия и методы минимизации возможных последствий от длительногогорения.

14. What types of indicator diagrams do you know?
Какие виды индикаторных диаграмм вы знаете?

15. How to calculate power of engine?
Расчет мощности

16. Describe process of injection of fuel into cylinder?
Опишите процесс впрыска топлива в цилиндр.

17. What preparations must be done before starting the engine?
Что необходимо сделать перед запуском двигателя?

18. What types of high pressure pumps do you know?
Типы ТНВД по регулировке подачи топлива.

19. What types of governors do you know?
Типы регуляторов.

20. What are main characteristics and grades of fuel used for diesel engines?
21. How does property of fuel influence work of engines? How to choose temperature of heating if there is different value of viscosity?
Основные характеристики и сорта топлив применяемых в ДВС. Влияние свойств топлива на работу двигателей. Как подбирается t° подогрева топлива при различных величинах вязкости.

22. Describe work of fuel oil system.
Опишите работу топливной системы?

23. System of compressed air on the vessel. How many starts and reverses of main engine must system provide?
Система сжатого воздуха на судне. Сколько последовательных пусков и реверсов главного двигателя должна обеспечивать система?

24. Describe the procedure of preparation to start engine?
Процедура подготовки пуска ДГ, взятие под нагрузку, остановка.

25. What types of boilers do you know?
Какие типы котлов вы знаете?

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